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Custom CSS - Guidelines

Points to be noted

  • You can apply all CSS properties to every class added here.
  • Click on this link to learn how to edit an element which has no class added to it.

Main Classes

Background colour of the app

.main--background {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);

Icon colour of app (eg: search icon right panel)

.main__icon {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

Divider colour of the app (eg: divider in forum posts before forum post actions)

.divider {
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

Tab Classes

Tab Container

.tab__container {
border-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);

Tab Main Class

.tab {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

Tab Active-State

.tab--active {
border-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

Card Classes

Main Card class

.card {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.card__footer {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);

Card shimmer(or placeholders)

This is on card that will be show when data is being fetched (eg: resource & forum posts)

.card__shimmer {
background-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);

Sidepanel Classes (Ex. Profile)

Sidepanel Main Class

.sidepanel__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Header Classes

Main Header Class

.header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Form Step Classes in Onboarding

Background colour of steps pending in progress bar + Main Class

(eg: verifyEmail page)

.form__step--active {
border-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;

.form__step {
border-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);

Text Classes

If you have some colour like text-gray-600 then you can use the class closest to it like text__description instead.

Title text (eg: title in forum posts)

.text__title {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

Body text (eg: body of forum posts)

(eg: verifyEmail page)

.text__body {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

Description text (eg: list of access levels shown in userProfile sidebar)

.text__description {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

Info text (eg: time ago shown on forum posts)

.text__info {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);

Text and icons in header

.text__header {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

Links(eg: read more in events card)

.text__link {
/* default accent color */
color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;

Button Classes

Primary Button & Community Colour (eg: Add To Calendar button in event card)

/* It overrides appearance primary color */
.btn__primary {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.btn__primary:hover {
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
.btn__primary:active {
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
.btn__primary:disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
cursor: not-allowed;

Calendar Channel Top Tab

.btn__outline__primary {
background-color: transparent;
color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
border-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
.btn__outline__dashed {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
.btn__link {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

Secondary Button (Eg. upload photo in edit profile)

.btn__light {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
border: 1px solid rgb(209, 213, 219);
.btn__light:hover {
border: 1px solid rgb(156, 163, 175);
.btn__light:active {
border: 1px solid rgba(209, 213, 219, 0.5);
color: rgba(31, 41, 55, 0.5);
.btn__light:disabled {
border: 1px solid rgb(209, 213, 219);

Danger Buttons (eg: send report button in report modal )

.btn__danger {
background-color: rgb(239, 68, 68);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Form Element Classes

Input Placeholder (Eg. Input in Edit Profile)

.input {
border-color: rgb(209, 213, 219);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.input::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
opacity: 1;

.input:focus {
border-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
--tw-ring-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

Input Placeholder - Borderless (Eg. Input in title of Create Resource Post)

.input__borderless {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.input__borderless::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
.select__button {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
border-color: rgb(209, 213, 219);

.select__button:focus {
border-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
--tw-ring-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

.select__options__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-color: rgba(209, 213, 219, 0.1);

.select__option {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.select__option--active {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.menu__options__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-color: rgba(209, 213, 219, 0.1);

.menu__option {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.menu__option--active {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

Table Classes

Table (Eg. Table in moderation Settings)

.table__container {
border: 1px solid rgb(229, 231, 235);

Table - Header

.table__head {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

Table - Body

.table__body {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

Highlight Classes

In this Highlight class wherever you need a light background (and you do not want to use a card component).

Highlight (eg. Highlight color shown when selecting users in allocate coins to send coins)

.highlighted {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

Success - Text

These text classes are defined here so that they can override above text colours.

.text__success {
color: rgb(16, 185, 129);

Danger - Text

.text__danger {
color: rgb(239, 68, 68);

Chat Classes

Chat Classes are all the elements of the chat channel and are separate from other app classes.

Main Chat - Background

.chat {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Pinned Chat Class

.chat__pinned {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255);

.chat__pinned__divider {
background-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

Chat - Header - Date

.chat__header__date {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

Chat - Sent

/* sender name */
.chat__sender__name {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

/* sender message container */
.chat__sent__container {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

/* sender message text */
.chat__sent__message {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

/* sender message time */
.chat__sent__time {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Chat - Received

/* recieved message container */
.chat__received__container {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

/* recieved message text */
.chat__received__message {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

/* recieved message time */
.chat__received__time {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);

Chat - Reply

.chat__reply__container {
background-color: rgba(17, 24, 39, 0.4);

.chat__reply__name {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.chat__reply__message {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.chat__footer__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.chat__footer__input--container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.chat__footer__btn {
background-color: rgba(31, 41, 55, 0.1);
color: rgb(55, 65, 81);
.chat__footer_send__btn {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
.chat__footer__container > textarea {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.chat__footer__container > textarea::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

GIF and Emoji Picker Chat Channel

.emoji-picker-react input.emoji-search {
background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);
border-color: rgb(209, 213, 219);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.emoji-picker-react input.emoji-search::placeholder {
color: rgb(137, 138, 141);
opacity: 1;

.emoji-picker-react input.emoji-search:focus {
border-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
--tw-ring-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

.emoji-picker-react .emoji-group::before {
background-color: transparent;
color: rgb(112, 113, 116);

Stage Classes

The right panel on the Stage Channel (Chat Panel) is given separate classes from the rest of the app.

Stage Classes

.stage__layout {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.stage__card {
color: rgb(249, 250, 251);
.stage__border {
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.stage__rightpanel__tab__container {
border-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);
.stage__rightpanel__tab {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel__tab:hover {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel__tab--active {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
border-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.stage__rightpanel__tab--active:hover {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
border-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.stage__rightpanel__highlighted {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel__title {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.stage__rightpanel__body {
color: rgb(55, 65, 81);
.stage__rightpanel__info {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__btn {
background-color: rgba(31, 41, 55, 0.1);
color: rgb(55, 65, 81);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__send__btn {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__container > textarea {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__container > textarea::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

DM (Inbox) Classes

.inbox__sidebar__header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.inbox__chat__header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

Text Editor Classes

/* Placeholder of tinymce editor */
.mce-content-body[data-mce-placeholder]:not(.mce-visualblocks)::before {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

/* links in tinymce editor */
#tinymce a {
color: rgb(88, 90, 218);

Misc Classes

.main_background_on_hover:hover {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);

Boilerplate Code

/*This is the Custom CSS feature on Scenes. We allow you to change the look and feel of your entire community with a fine tipped paintbrush. So go wild!
We've included some boiler plate code below containing all our configurable classes. Feel free to change whatever you feel like, colors and more!*/

/* main container */
.main--background {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);
.main__icon {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.divider {
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
/* tab classes */
.tab__container {
border-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);
.tab {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

.tab--active {
border-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
/* card container */
.card {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.card__footer {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);
.card__shimmer {
background-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);

/* Sidepanel */
.sidepanel__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

/* header main */
.header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.form__step--active {
border-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
.form__step {
border-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);

/* texts */
.text__title {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.text__body {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.text__description {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
.text__info {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
.text__header {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.text__link {
/* default accent color */
color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
/* buttons */
/* It overrides appearance primary color */
.btn__primary {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.btn__primary:hover {
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
.btn__primary:active {
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
.btn__primary:disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
cursor: not-allowed;

/* calendar top button */
.btn__outline__primary {
background-color: transparent;
color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
border-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
/* sidebar add new buttons */
.btn__outline__dashed {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
/* calendar unselected button */
.btn__link {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
/* secondary button */
.btn__light {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
border: 1px solid rgb(209, 213, 219);
.btn__light:hover {
border: 1px solid rgb(156, 163, 175);
.btn__light:active {
border: 1px solid rgba(209, 213, 219, 0.5);
color: rgba(31, 41, 55, 0.5);
.btn__light:disabled {
border: 1px solid rgb(209, 213, 219);

/* red button */
.btn__danger {
background-color: rgb(239, 68, 68);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

/* inputs */
.input {
border-color: rgb(209, 213, 219);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.input::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
opacity: 1;
.input:focus {
border-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
--tw-ring-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
.input__borderless {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.input__borderless::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

/* dropdown */
.select__button {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
border-color: rgb(209, 213, 219);
.select__button:focus {
border-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
--tw-ring-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
.select__options__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-color: rgba(209, 213, 219, 0.1);
.select__option {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.select__option--active {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

/* menu */
.menu__options__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-color: rgba(209, 213, 219, 0.1);
.menu__option {
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.menu__option--active {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

/* table */
.table__container {
border: 1px solid rgb(229, 231, 235);
.table__head {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
.table__body {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

/* hightlight */
.highlighted {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);

/* success & danger */
.text__success {
color: rgb(16, 185, 129);
.text__danger {
color: rgb(239, 68, 68);

/* main chat */
.chat {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.chat__pinned {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255);
.chat__pinned__divider {
background-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
/* chat date */
.chat__header__date {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
/* chat sent */
.chat__sender__name {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.chat__sent__container {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.chat__sent__message {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.chat__sent__time {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
/* chat recieved */
.chat__received__container {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.chat__received__message {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.chat__received__time {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
/* chat reply */
.chat__reply__container {
background-color: rgba(17, 24, 39, 0.4);
.chat__reply__name {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.chat__reply__message {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
/* chat input footer */
.chat__footer__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.chat__footer__input--container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.chat__footer__btn {
background-color: rgba(31, 41, 55, 0.1);
color: rgb(55, 65, 81);
.chat__footer_send__btn {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
.chat__footer__container > textarea {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.chat__footer__container > textarea::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

/* Gif and emoji picker chat channel */
.emoji-picker-react input.emoji-search {
background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);
border-color: rgb(209, 213, 219);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);

.emoji-picker-react input.emoji-search::placeholder {
color: rgb(137, 138, 141);
opacity: 1;
.emoji-picker-react input.emoji-search:focus {
border-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);
--tw-ring-color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

.emoji-picker-react .emoji-group::before {
background-color: transparent;
color: rgb(112, 113, 116);

/* stage channel */
.stage__layout {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.stage__card {
color: rgb(249, 250, 251);
.stage__border {
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.stage__rightpanel__tab__container {
border-color: rgb(229, 231, 235);
.stage__rightpanel__tab {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel__tab:hover {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
border-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel__tab--active {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
border-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.stage__rightpanel__tab--active:hover {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
border-color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.stage__rightpanel__highlighted {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
.stage__rightpanel__title {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);
.stage__rightpanel__body {
color: rgb(55, 65, 81);
.stage__rightpanel__info {
color: rgb(156, 163, 175);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__container {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__btn {
background-color: rgba(31, 41, 55, 0.1);
color: rgb(55, 65, 81);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__send__btn {
background-color: rgb(88, 90, 218) !important;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__container > textarea {
background-color: rgb(243, 244, 246);
color: rgb(17, 24, 39);
.stage__rightpanel__chat__footer__container > textarea::placeholder {
color: rgb(107, 114, 128);

/* Inbox(DM) Classes */
.inbox__sidebar__header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.inbox__chat__header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

/* Tinymce Classes */
/* Placeholder of tinymce editor */
.mce-content-body[data-mce-placeholder]:not(.mce-visualblocks)::before {
color: rgb(31, 41, 55);

/* links in tinymce editor */
#tinymce a {
color: rgb(88, 90, 218);

/* misc classes */
.main_background_on_hover:hover {
background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251);

/* DM(Inbox) classes*/
.inbox__sidebar__header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.inbox__chat__header {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);